Just fucking do it!

"Just fucking do it!" New York Islanders owner and tech entrepreneur Charles Wang told a couple of wild-eyed kids who were trying to raise seed capital to fund their start up idea. I was one of those kids.

Best business advice I've ever received.

Those who follow "Just fucking do it!" don't spend time reading motivational messages and passing around bits of inspiration. While you're spending time reading "10 ways to make your dream happen," your competition is "Just fucking doing it!"

But once upon a time, before I met Charles Wang, before I had customers or employees, profit or payroll, when my business was just me in my parents's basement, a college buddy and a dream, I had a motivational sign. Just one. And I made it myself.

I had completely forgotten about the sign and its contents until my dad reminded me of it yesterday during a phone call sharing recent successes. This morning he sent me a scanned copy, and I'm going to share it with you.

The words are paraphrased from an article by Chris Taylor but the cheesy fonts and layout are entirely my fault.

Larry's Stubborn entrepreneur motivational sign.

People will give you a million reasons why whatever you're trying to do won't work, isn't needed, is a bad idea or is too risky. It doesn't matter. The only battles you need to win are with your own mind and the market. Everything else is irrelevant.

Now get back to work, make your own motivation, and just fucking do it!