What I'm doing now
This page was updated September 9, 2024 from home in Hong Kong.
I've been regularly bouldering for the past year and pretty happy with the strength and health improvements. The better I get at it, the more fun it gets. Which I think is true of anything.
I've reduced swimming down to only one or two days a week, but still enjoy keeping in the water.
I've also been trying out some suggestions from Bryan Johnson's Blueprint. I'm taking the supplements and eating nutty pudding a few times a
I'm been trying to work with interested parties in the Stacks ecosystem to move the BNS ecosystem forward. Recently announced a concept for a next generation name system. Very excited to see the renewed interest in naming in the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Two years ago, I (along with the rest of my family) started doing Duolingo for Italian. I finished all of the material and have moved on to reading short stories in Italian. Currently gearing up for a week of intensive Italian study in Italy to see how much I get out of it and if I'm interested in continuing.
This summer, I bought an inexpensive digital piano with the idea of seeing how much I remember from my childhood lessons and if it's fun learning more. Turns out it is fun and I've developed a regular habit of practicing several times a week. I'm currently working through the Simply Piano (app) curriculum which is filling in some gaps in my knowledge. I'm also going through the exercises in Czerny Op. 599 one by one.
I'm sailing less frequently these days...enjoying the freedom from boat ownership after I sold Sula last year. I don't want the commitment of a regular crew spot, but happy to race once or twice a month if someone has an opening.
I've been mostly in Hong Kong the past few months which I really enjoy both because I still love the city 22 years after I first came here and also because it makes it easy to build and stick to good habits. I've done a couple short trips in the mainland and look forward to taking more in the future. However, at the moment, I'm gearing up for my yearly trip to Europe to visit family.
This page was inspired by Derek Sivers and his /now page.